I help solopreneurs reach high performance with better habits and workflows by systematizing your business which increases organization and provides more productivity for the opportunity to scale without working more hours.

Hey there! Kathy here.

10 Time Management Tips To Manage Your Time Better

Hey there! Kathy here.

Ever wish there were more hours in a day? You're not alone! As a time-conscious individual, I've discovered a handful of time management strategies that might just be the game-changer you're looking for. Join me as we delve into my top 10 time management tips, unlocking the secrets to working smarter and making the most of your precious time.

“Learn to run the day, or the day will run you.”

– Jim Rohn

Juggling a one-person show isn't always easy. Get ready as I pull back the curtains and reveal exactly how I manage my time. These 10 tips will enhance your day's efficiency, allowing you to work less and earn more.

This Week’s Affirmation:

time management tips

Join me as I unveil practical strategies that have turned chaos into cohesion in my solopreneurial journey. These time-tested tips are not just about managing hours; they're your ticket to a more organized, efficient, and rewarding business venture.

How I Manage My Time – 10 Time Management Tips

This week's video reveals the secret sauce of turning time into a trusted ally, not an enemy!

*Be sure to watch the video above if you want to become better at managing your time! In just 9 minutes, we’ll dive deep into my 10 ‘simple’ time management steps! As a special bonus, I have put together the “Six Tiny Habits Guide” specifically crafted for driven entrepreneurs like you, who are determined to make a significant impact and create lasting success. You can download it now by clicking the button below!

Ready to Take Control of Your Calendar and Life?

Imagine reclaiming control over your schedule and watching your solopreneur dreams flourish. My time management tips aren't just strategies, they're the keys to unlocking a more efficient and rewarding business journey. Are you ready? Let's dive into these 10 SIMPLE time management tips.

The 10 Tips I Share In The Video:

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  • Guess what? Not every task is created equal. One of the most important skills you must master is learning to decide what's urgent and important and then simply start there.

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  • As your business evolves, your network will too. You will meet and be introduced to others with skills you might not have; don't be afraid to reach out and ask if they offer a power hour or if they have offers that could help fill in the gaps where you need help.

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  • Automation is the fairy godmother of solopreneurs. Use tools like Asana for your digital to-do list and project planning, or Planoly for social media.
  • Look for tools that operate seamlessly even when you sleep or need a break.
  • When you allocate time to work, you can focus on the areas that specifically demand your expertise.

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Batch Similar Tasks

  • Research shows that it takes 23 minutes to refocus after a distraction. You'll want to avoid task-switching as much as possible. Try to batch similar tasks together. Here's one example: set aside a specific time slot to check and reply to emails.

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Time Block

  • Treat your calendar like a puzzle – fill it in with blocks of time (and color code) for individual tasks and always buffer time in between. Think of it as building a personalized schedule that works for you!

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Stay Tidy and Organized

  • Stay on top of your physical workspace and your digital space. A cluttered desk or a flooded inbox only invites confusion. I like to use Asana for keeping my to-do list and projects organized – honestly, I love Asana to organize just about every area of my life!

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Balance Multitasking with Unitasking

  • While we may feel productive during multitasking, the reality is that it might not be as efficient as we think.
  • It’s almost always more fruitful to focus on a single thing at a time. It may seem counterintuitive but I want to encourage you to give it a try!

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Learn to Say No

  • Navigating this challenge is easier said than done, – particularly when a shiny, exciting opportunity presents itself.
  • What’s helped me the most is remembering that every ‘yes' to something is essentially a ‘no' to something else.

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Prioritize Self-Care

  • Do NOT neglect your mental and physical health. Pulling all-nighters and missing meals is not the definition of dedication. 
  • You absolutely must schedule time for exercise, relaxation, healthy meals, and sunshine.

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Reflect and Revise

  • What worked this week might not work next week.
  • Constantly evaluate your time management strategies. Set aside a little time each week for this reflection process.
  • Keep what works, and modify what doesn't.

Weekly Action Steps for Increased Productivity

Effectively managing your time is not only crucial but also necessary for achieving both professional success and maintaining your personal well-being. This approach ensures that you purposefully invest every moment toward your goals, contributing to your overall fulfillment and success. Each week, I share a specific action step designed to enhance your productivity and bring more efficiency to your business. These steps are intentionally crafted with solopreneurs in mind, recognizing the unique challenges and demands you face.

The best part is, you can seamlessly integrate these action steps into your busy schedule. I understand that you're juggling multiple responsibilities, and my goal is to provide you with practical, bite-sized tasks that won't overwhelm you. We want you to experience the satisfaction of making meaningful progress, one step at a time.

Firstly, one Action Item for your business:
time management tips
Next, here's one Action Step for your personal life:
time management tips

I'd like to encourage you to consider this Weekly Action Steps section as your personal productivity gym. I'm here to support you on your journey toward peak productivity, helping you work smarter, not harder. With each step, you'll build new habits, refine your workflow, and unlock the full potential of your productivity.

Unlock The Secrets To Achieving Remarkable Success In Your Entrepreneurial Journey

The “Six Tiny Habits Guide” is specifically crafted for driven entrepreneurs like you, who are determined to make a significant impact and create lasting success.

Inside this power-packed guide, you'll discover the six tiny but mighty habits that have the potential to revolutionize your approach to business and propel you toward success.

Six Tiny Habits Guide

VIP Entrepreneur Spotlight: Megan Hoover

Our VIP Spotlight today shines on fellow solopreneur, Megan Hoover. We delve into Megan's journey through her transition from teaching to managing Pinterest, and how she is mastering the art of solopreneurship with a perfect blend of creativity, flexibility, and continuous learning.

Get ready to be inspired and glean insights from a fellow solopreneur who's truly making waves.

Read Megan's full story HERE.

Closing Thoughts: Mastering Your Time Management Skills

Remember, the key to your solopreneur success lies in the mastery of your most precious resource: your time. Implementing these proven time management strategies is not just a choice; it's a commitment to your business's efficiency and your personal well-being.

Take charge of your schedules, work smarter, and unlock the doors to greater productivity. Next, explore the helpful resources I've gathered for you. As we wrap up, make sure to manage your time wisely, and may your business thrive.

Helpful Resources

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